Community Agreements

Pioneer Valley Roller Derby strives to be a welcoming and inclusive community rooted in collaboration, equity, safety, and joy for our sport. Being a member of this League is contingent on participating in the following community agreements in all League spaces and in all interactions with other League members:

  • Mutual support: We agree to help create a warm and welcoming environment for everyone who is a part of the League, offer support to other members in learning new skills and meeting their goals, and help out with League events/needs as we are able.
  • Safety: We agree to prioritize safety and minimize the risk of injury (which comes with any sport and particularly contact sports), by following safety rules/guidelines set by coaches, Board members, officials, and other leaders and working to keep ourselves and others safe. (See also 3. Health & Safety, below.) 
  • Self-care: We agree to take care of ourselves and our bodies and move at the pace and in the ways that work best for our bodies, and respect that others know what’s best for their bodies and are making the choices that are best for them as well. 
  • Community care: We agree to build community within the League by equally valuing all types of participation (volunteers, recreational skaters, on- and off-skates officials, juniors, and adult bouting-track skaters), building bridges between these roles, managing our own expectations and/or competitiveness, and helping out as we can in instances of disagreement or conflict.
  • Honoring diversity: We agree to help the League continually expand access to our sport and be a community of people of all ages, body sizes, races/ethnicities, class backgrounds, abilities and disabilities, genders, sexualities, and more, by building relationships across lines of difference and working to combat all forms of discrimination and oppression within ourselves, our League, and our wider communities.
  • Enthusiastic consent: We agree to ask about and respect members’ needs around touch and contact, as well as their desired level of play or participation in the League. We agree to encourage each other but never pressure or coerce people to join a particular team, roster, track, practice, etc. Most importantly, we agree to never engage in assault, harassment, or bullying of any kind. 
  • Proactive communication: We agree to ask for help, communicate our needs, and check in and ask questions of others rather than making assumptions. 
  • Represent: We agree to positively represent the League and its values in our wider community.
  • Fun: We agree to value joy, laughter, and fun, and foster an environment where people can have fun in all sorts of ways.



Part of the Code of Conduct is supporting each other in keeping the above agreements and repairing any broken ones. Conflict and harm happens in all communities, including roller derby; what matters most is what we do about it. All of us have a responsibility to care for ourselves, one another, and the League by helping to sustain a healthy, safe, equitable, and fun community that actively embodies the League’s values.

If a League member, guest, fan, or friend witnesses or experiences a League member breaking a community agreement or any sort of harmful behavior (see below) in a League context, they have several options in the moment or at a later time:

  • They can talk directly to the person/people involved, if doing so feels safe
  • They can talk to or seek out help from another League member
  • They can talk to or seek out help from a League leader (e.g., coach, captain, official, Board member, etc.)
  • They can talk with a member of the Grievance Committee or send a message to the Grievance Committee

If someone approaches you to address an agreement you’ve broken, part of the Code of Conduct is doing what’s necessary to repair the agreement and address any harm you’ve caused. This might involve self-reflection, humility, seeking to understand others’ perspectives, apology, and/or getting support in changing your behavior going forward.

If someone approaches you to talk about a broken agreement or harmful behavior they’ve witnessed or experienced, find out what their needs are (e.g., immediate support, confidentiality, acknowledgement from leadership, changed behavior on the part of particular people) and how you can help the whole League by working toward repair.

Some broken agreements are easier to address than others. Particularly harmful behavior requires immediate action and may result in temporary or permanent expulsion from the League and/or a League event. Such prohibited harmful behavior includes:

  • Physically unsafe behavior (e.g., skating, officiating, or volunteering while intoxicated)
  • Violent language or gestures directed at specific people or groups of people 
  • Sexual, physical, verbal, or written harassment, abuse, or assault
  • Stalking, boundary pushing, or consent violations
  • Bullying (including false accusations or attempts to have a member unduly expelled)
  • Biased, prejudiced, or discriminatory behavior (including microaggressions)
  • Damage or theft of League or personal property
  • Bringing hazardous or prohibited items into League spaces (e.g., weapons)
  • Unsporting conduct and/or infractions at practices/events that exceed the scope and/or severity of established penalty protocol


Health & Safety

The Board and/or their designated representative may make decisions and policies concerning the health and safety of League members and take action when members are behaving in a manner that could be considered irresponsible regarding their own or others’ safety. Any such decision, policy, action, or lack thereof shall not be construed as medical advice or as incurring legal responsibility for members’ actions, health, and potential injury. 

Members are responsible for their own medical care, treatment, and costs, and are responsible for conducting themselves and managing their health to prevent, as much as possible, injuries to themselves and others. Members are expected to not put themselves or others at risk by continuing to skate, officiate, or volunteer when their physical or mental health is compromised (e.g., in cases of concussion).